Tuesday 23 February 2010


(W. M gives single K. followed by the S. and J. Ws.)

W. M – Brethren, assist me to close the Lodge.

(All rise).

W. M. – Bro. J. W., what is the constant care of every Mason?

J. W. – To prove the Lodge close T…d.

W. M. (to J. W.). – Direct that duty to be done.

J. W. – Bro. I. G., prove the Lodge close T…d

(I. G. goes to the door and gives the E. A. Ks. Being answered by the T., he goes to position at left of S. W., takes Sp., and with E. A. Sn. Says:)

Bro. J. W., the Lodge is close T…d (Dis. Sn.)

J. W. (gives one K., take Sp., and with E. A. Sn. Says:) Worship Master, the Lodgeis close T…d. (Dis. Sn.)

W. M. – Bro. S.W., the next care?

S. W. – To see that the Brethren appear to order as Masons.

W. M. – To order. Brethren, as Masons in the First Degree.

(W. M. and Brethren take Sp., and stand to order as E. As.)

W. M. – Bro. S. W., your constant place in the Lodge?

S. W. – in the W.

W. M. to S. W.). – Why are you placed there?

S. W. – As the Sun sets in the W. to close the dy. So the S. W. is placed in the W. to close the Lodge by command of the W. M., after having seen that every Brother has had his due.

W. M. – Brn., before we close the Lodge, let us with all reverence and humility express our gratitude to the Great Architect of the Universe for favours already received; may He continue to preserve the Order, by cementing and adorning it with every moral and social virtue.

All – So mote it be.

W. M. – Bro. S. W., the labours of the evening being ended, you have my command to close the Lodge. 9Gives the E. A. Ks. With l. h.)

S. W. – Brethren, in the name Great Architect of the Universe, and by command of the W. M., I close (all dis. Sn.) the Lodge. (Gives the E. A. Ks. and lays down his Cn.)

J. W. – And it is closed accordingly, until the ____ day of ____ emergencies expected, of which every Bro. will have due and timely notice.

(Gives the E. A. Ks. and raises his Cn.

(I. G. goes to the door and gives E. A. Ks. … being answered by the T

S. D. attends to T. B. when the T. has given Ks.)

I. P. M. (removes S. and Cs. And closes V. S. L. and saysJ Brethren, nothing now remains but, according to ancient custom, to locking up our Ss. in the safe and scared repository of our hearts uniting in the act of F., F., F. (he strikes his l. b. with his r. h. each time as these words are sung by the Brn. Doing likewise.) And may god be with us all unclothed and untyled.






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  2. good except doesnt anybody type-check stuff? I expect the repository of our hearts (final para) isn't frightened.
