Tuesday 23 February 2010


Vouchsafe Thine Aid, Almighty Father and Supreme Governor of the universe, to our present convention, and grant that this Candidate for Freemasonry may so dedicate and devote his life to Thy service as to become a true and faithful Brother among us. Endue him with a competency of Thy divine Wisdom , that, assisted by the secrets of our Masonic art, he may the better be enabled to unfold the beauties of true Godliness to the honour and glory of Thy Holy Name.

All. – So mote it be. (All discharge Sign. Of R. and Deacons Lower their wands.)

Worshipful Master (to Candidate) – In all cases of difficulty and danger, in whom do you put your trust?

CANDIDATE. (prompted by Junior Deacon) – In God

Worshipful Master – Right Glad am I to find your faith so well founded: relying on such sure support you may safely rise and follow your leader with a firm but humble confidence, for where the name of God is invoked we trust no danger can ensue. Let the Candidate Rise and be conducted round the Lodge. Brethren be seated.

(Junior Deacon assists Candidate to rise. Senior Deacon draws k.s…l aside. Worshipful Master and Brn. Resume their seats. The Senior Deacon replaces k.s…l takes P from Inner Guard to give to Worshipful Master on arrival. Junior Deacon takes Candidate by right hand and leads him round Lodge 3 times. Worshipful Master, Senior Warden, and Junior Warden give one Knock when Junior Deacon and Candidate have completed 2nd circuit. Deacons and Candidates stop, facing Worshipful Master)

Worshipful Master – The Brethren from the North, East, South, and West will take notice that MR. A. B. is about to pass in view before them, to show that he is the Candidate properly prepared, and a fit and proper person to be made a Mason.

(Continue 3rd circuit until reaching the Junior Warden, then with the Candidates r.h.s. the Junior Warden t.. times on r. sh.)

Junior Warden (to Junior Deacon)- Halt, whom have you there?

Junior Deacon (no Sign). – Mr. A. B. a poor, etc. (same report as at the door.)

Junior Warden – How does he hope to obtain those privileges?

Junior Deacon – By the help or God, being free and of good report.

Junior Warden (rises, takes the r.h. of the candidate and says :) Enter, free and of good report.

(Junior Warden resumes his seat. Carefully ‘squaring’ the Lodge, the Junior Deacon conducts Candidate. To the Senior Warden, who puts him through the same examination. Junior Deacon then conducts Candidate To left of the Senior Warden, who remains standing and still holding the Candidate’s right hand in his own left hand. Junior Deacon should turn the Candidate to face East)

Senior Warden (takes Step, and with Entered Apprentice Sign Says:)

Worshipful Master, I present to you Mr. A. B., a Candidate Properly prepared to be made a Mason.

Worshipful Master – Brother Senior Warden, your presentation shall be attended to, for which purpose I shall address a few questions to the Candidate, which I trust he will answer with candour. (Senior Warden discharges Sign, restores Candidate to Junior Deacon, and resumes his seat.)

Worshipful Master (to Candidate). – Do you seriously declare on your honour that , unbiased by the improper solicitation of friends against your own inclination, and un-influenced by mercenary or other unworthy motive, you freely and voluntarily offer yourself a Candidate For the mysteries and privileges of ancient Freemasonry?

CANDIDATE. (prompted by Junior Deacon) - I do .

Worshipful Master – Do you likewise pledge yourself that you are prompted to solicit those privileges by a favourable opinion preconceived of the Institution, a general desire of knowledge, and a sincere wish to render yourself more extensively serviceable to your fellow creatures?

CANDIDATE (prompted by Junior Deacon) - I do .

Worshipful Master – Do you further seriously declare on your honour that, avoiding fear on the one hand, and rashness on the other, you will steadily persevere through the ceremony of your initiation, and, if once admitted, you will afterwards act and abide by the ancient usages and established customs of the order?

CANDIDATE (prompted by Junior Deacon) - I do .

Worshipful Master – Brother Senior Warden. (Senior Warden rises with Sign)

You will direct the Junior Deacon to instruct the Candidate to advance to the P. in due form. (Senior Warden discharges sign and sits.)

Senior Warden – Brother Junior Deacon. (Junior Deacon gives Sign), it is the Master’s command that you instruct the Candidate to advance to the P. in due form.

(Carefully squaring the Lodge, the Junior Deacon leads Candidate to within about a yard of the Worshipful.Master’s P. and then directs him.)

Junior Deacon – The method of advancing to the P. in this degree is by three irregular steps. Of approximately 9, 11 and 13 inches. Place your heels. together right foot turned out to a form a square.

Junior Deacon (out loud) Take a short step forward with the left foot bringing the heels together as before.

Take another step a little longer, heels together as before.

Take another step a little longer still, heels together as before.

Worshipful Master (to Candidate) – It is my duty to inform you that Masonry is free, and requires a perfect freedom of inclination in every Candidate for its mysteries; it is founded on the purest principles of piety and virtue; it possesses great and invaluable privileges; and in order to secure those privileges to worthy men, and we trust to worthy men alone, vows of fidelity are required; but let me assure you that in those vows there is nothing incompatible with your civil, moral, or religious duties; are you therefore willing to take a Solemn Oath, founded on the principles I have stated, to keep inviolate the secrets and mysteries of the Order?

CANDIDATE. (prompted by Junior Deacon) – I am.

Worshipful Master – Then you will kneel on your left knee, your right foot formed in a Square, give me your right hand (Junior Deacon assists), which I place on the Volume of the Sacred Law, while your l.

(Senior Deacon assists) will be employed in supporting these … one … presented to your n. l. b. taking care not to hurt yourself.

(Worshipful Master gives single Knock which is answered by Senior and Junior Wardens. All rise, take Step, and stand to Order with S. of R. Ds. cross wands above candidates head.

Deacons should hold the wands with l. h. showing Sn. of R. with r. h.)

Worshipful Master (to Candidate) – Repeat your several names at length, and say after me:

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