Tuesday 23 February 2010


( The Tyler gives one Knock on the door with his fist.

The Inner Guard then rises, takes Step, and with Entered Apprentice Sign Says:)

Inner Guard – Brother Junior Warden, there is an alarm (keeps up the Sign.)

(While seated the Junior Warden gives one Knock then Rises, takes Step, and with Entered Apprentice Sign. says:)

Junior Warden – Worshipful Master, there is an alarm.

Worshipful Master – Brother Junior Warden, ascertain the cause.

Junior Warden (discharges Sign and resumes his seat). – Brother Inner Guard, see who seeks admission.

( Inner Guard discharges Sign; he leaves the Lodge, closing the door behind him and enquires)

Inner Guard (to Tyler). Halt. Whom have you there?

TYLER (to Inner Guard). – Mr. A. B., a poor candidate in a state of darkness, who has been well and worthily recommended, regularly proposed, balloted for, and approved in open Lodge, and now comes of his own free will and accord, properly prepared, humbly soliciting to be admitted to the mysteries and privileges of Ancient Freemasonry.

Inner Guard (to Tyler). – How does he hope to obtain those privileges?

Tyler – by the help of God, being free and of good report.

Inner Guard ( to Tyler) – Wait while I report to the Worshipful Master.

(the Inner Guard re-enters the Lodge, closes the door, goes to position at left of Senior Warden, takes Step, shows Entered Apprentice Sign, and says:)

Inner Guard (to Worshipful Master. – Worshipful Master, outside the door of the Lodge stands Mr. A.B., etc. (same report as the Tyler)

Worshipful Master (to Inner Guard). – How does he hope to obtain those privileges?

Inner Guard ( keeping up the Sign). – By the help of God. Being free and of good report.

Worshipful Master – The tongue of good report has already been heard in his favour; do you Brother Inner Guard vouch that he is properly prepared?

Inner Guard – I do, Worshipful Master.

Worshipful Master – Then let him be admitted in due form.

(Inner Guard should discharge Sign) Brother Deacons. (Junior Deacon places k. s…l.

The Candidate Is met at the door by the Inner Guard, who applies the … to his l. b.; the Inner Guard asks him, Do you feel anything prick you? and after a reply in the affirmative)

Inner Guard (to Candidate) – So may your conscience prick you, should you ever divulge any of those Masonic Secrets which may now, or at any

future period be communicated to you.

(The Inner Guard raises the p…n…d above his head to show the Worshipful Master that he has so applied it and at the same time gives the Candidates. name. The Senior Deacon then takes the right hand of the Candidate with his left , and leads him to the Junior Deacon before the k…g s…l near the left of the Senior Warden. Junior Deacon on right of Cand.)

Worshipful Master (to Candidate) – Mr…A B., as no person can be made a mason unless he is free and of mature age, I demand of you, are you a free man and of the full age of twenty-one years?

CANDIDATE. (prompted by Junior Deacon) – I am

Worshipful Master (to Candidate) – Thus assured, I will thank you to k…l, while the blessing of heaven is invoked on our proceedings . ( Gives single knock answered by Senior and Junior Wardens.

The Deacons Cross their wands over the head of the Candidate. All stand with the sign of R...J. D. places Candidate’s hand to sign of R.)

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