Tuesday 23 February 2010


I, …AB in the presence of the Great Architect of the Universe, and of this worthy, worshipful, and warranted Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons, regularly assembled and properly dedicated, of my own free will and accord, do hereby (Worshipful Master touches Candidate’s right hand with his own left hand) and hereon (Worshipful Master touches Volume of Sacred Law with his left hand) sincerely and solemnly promise and swear, that I will always hele (hide), conceal, and never reveal, any part or parts, point or points, of the secrets or mysteries, or of belonging to Free and Accepted Masons in Masonry, which may heretofore have been known by me, or shall now, or at any future period, be communicated to me, unless it be a true and lawful Brother or Brothers, and not even to him or them until after due trial, strict examination, or sure information from a well-known Brother that he or they are worthy of that confidence; or in the body of a just, perfect and regular Lodge of Ancient Freemasons. I further solemnly promise that I will not write those secrets; indite, carve, mark, engrave, or otherwise them delineate; or cause or suffer it to be so done by others, if in my power to prevent it, on anything movable or immovable, under the canopy of Heaven, whereby or whereon any letter, character, or figure, or the least trace of a letter, character, or figure may become legible or intelligible to myself, or any one in the world, so that our secret arts and hidden mysteries may improperly become known through my un-worthiness. These several points I solemnly swear to observe, without evasion, equivocation, or mental reservation of any kind, under no less a penalty, on the violation of any kind, under no less a penalty, on the violation of any of them, than that of having, m.t.e.a.m.t.t.o.b.i.r.a.b.i.t.r.s.o.t.s.a.c.t.l.f.t.s.w.t.t.r.e.a.f.t.i.t.c.o.a.n.d.; or the less horrid but more effective punishment of being branded as a wilfully perjured individual, void of all moral worth, and totally unfit to be received into this worshipful Lodge, or any other warranted Lodge, or society of men who prize honour and virtue above the external advantages of rank and fortune. So help me, God, and keep me steadfast in this my G. and Solemn Obligation of an Entered Apprentice Freemason. (Worshipful Master removes Cs)

Worshipful Master – What you have repeated may be considered but a serious promise; as a pledge of your fidelity, and to render it a Solemn Obligation, you will s.. it with your Lips. On the Volume of the Sacred Law. where your right hand now rests (all dis. S. of R., Deacons. lower their wands.)

Worshipful Master – Having been kept for a considerable time in a state of darkness, what in your present situation is the predominant wish of your heart?

CANDIDATE. (prompted by Junior Deacon).

Worshipful Master – Brother Junior Deacon, let that blessing be restored to the Candidate.

(The Worshipful Master takes his G., and at the proper time the Brethren simultaneously c… their h…s, the Junior Deacon at that moment restoring the C. to L., removing h.w. at exact moment of Worshipful Master.’s final movement with G.

C. T. is taken from Candidate, and passed to Worshipful Master.

Junior Deacon inclines Candidate’s head to the Volume of Sacred Law)

Worshipful Master – Having been restored to the blessing of material…, let me point out to your attention what we consider the three great, though emblematical, Ls. In Freemasonry; they are, the Volume of the Sacred Law, the S. to regulate our actions , and the Cs. Keep us in due bounds with all mankind, particularly our Brethren in Freemasonry.

Worshipful Master (takes the Candidate by the right hand with his own right hand, and says:) Rise, newly obligated Brother among Masons. Brethren be seated.

(The Candidate is wheeled back North East by Junior Deacon to face South)

Worshipful Master – You are now enabled to discover the three l…r Ls.; they are situated East, South, and West, and are meant to represent the Sun, Moon, and Master of the Lodge; the Sun to rule the day, the Moon to govern the night, and the Master to rule and direct his Lodge.

(Candidate is now wheeled back to face the Worshipful Master by the Junior Deacon)

Worshipful Master (continues). – Bro. A. B., by your meek and candid behaviour this evening, you have escaped two great dangers, but there is a third which will await you until the latest period of your existence. The dangers you have escaped are those of … and…, for on your entrance into the Lodge this P. was presented to your naked left breast, so that had you rashly attempted to rush forward you would have been accessory to you own death by …, whilst the brither who held it would have had remained firm and done his duty. There was likewise this C.T. with a r.n. about your n., which would have rendered any attempt at retreat equally fatal; but the danger which will await you until your latest hour is the penalty of your O., of having, y.t.c.a.y.t.t.o.b.t.r. should you improperly disclose the Secrets. of Masonry.

(Candidate. is wheeled back to face South by the Junior Deacon. Worshipful Master leaves East and goes to the F. of the L. to face Candidate)

Worshipful Master – Having taken the G. and S. O. of a mason. I am now permitted to inform you that there are several Degrees in Freemasonry, and peculiar Ss. restricted to each; these, however, are not communicated indiscriminately, but are conferred on candidates according to merit and abilities. I shall, therefore, proceed to entrust you with the Signs of Degree, or those marks by which we are known to each other, and distinguished from the rest of the world; but must premise for your general information that all Ss.,

Ls., and proper Sns., to know a Mason by; you are therefore expected to stand perfectly erect (done), your feet formed in a Square (done); your body being thus considered an emblem of your mind, and your feet of the rectitude of your actions. When you advanced from West to East this evening you did so by three irregular steps, irregular from your then situation not knowing from whence you came or in what direction you were going. These lead to more regular steps, morally teaching us well squared lives and upright intentions.

Worshipful Master – You will now take a step towards me with your left foot, bringing the right heel into it’s hollow, that is the first step in Freemasory, and it is in this position that the Ss. of the Degree. Are communicated; they consist of a Sn., T., and W. Place your hand in this position with the thumb extended in the form of a s.t.t.t.l.o.t.w.p. (Worshipful Master illustrates, Candidate copies). The Sn. Is giving by dr. the h.s.a.t.t. and d.i.t.t.s.i.t.f.o.a.s. (Worshipful Master illustrates Candidate Copies). This is allusion to the P. of your O . wherein you swore that as a man of honour and an Entered Apprentice Freemason, you would rather have your t.c.a.y.t.t.o.b.t.r. (Worshipful Master illustrates Candidate copies) than improperly Disclose The Ss. entrusted to you. The Grip or Token is given by a distinct pressure of the thumb on the first knuckle joint of a Brothers right hand (Worshipful Master not Junior Deacon adjust it). This when regularly given and received serves to distinguish a Brother by night as well as day; when given by day it should always be covered thus (Worshipful Master illustrates Candidate copies). This Grip or Token demands a Word, a Word highly prized amongst Masons as a guard to their privileges. Too much caution. Therefore, cannot be observed in communicating it; it should never be given at length, but always by Ls. Or Ss.; to enable you to do which I must first tell you what that Word is: it is… (Cand. repeats prompted by the Junior Deacon, Worshipful Master then spells Word repeated by the candidate.) As in the course of the ceremony you will be called on for this Word, my Brother the Junior Deacon will now dictate the answers you are to give.

(Junior Deacon to approximately centre of Lodge facing Worshipful Master about three paces distant.)

Worshipful Master – I will thank my Brother the Junior Deacon to advance to me as at his inititiation (Junior Deacon takes Step.)

Worshipful Master – What is that ?

Junior Deacon – The first step in Freemasonry.

Worshipful Master – Do you bring anything else?

Junior Deacon – I do (makes Entered Apprentice Sign.)

Worshipful Master – What is that?

Junior Deacon – The P.S. of an Entered Apprentice Freemason

Worshipful Master – To what does it allude ?

Junior Deacon – The penalty of my O. wherein I swore that as a man of honour and an Entered Apprentice Freemason I would rather have my throat cut and my t.t.o.b.t.r. than improperly disclose the secrets entrusted to me.

Worshipful Master – Have you anything to communicate ?

Junior Deacon – I have (gives Grip of Entered Apprentice Freemason)

Worshipful Master – What does this grip demand ?

Junior Deacon – A word

Worshipful Master – Give me that word.

Junior Deacon – At my initiation I was taught to be cautious but with you Worshipful Master I will letter half it.

Worshipful Master – Which you please and you begin.

(the examination is gone through. At this stage the Word is halved. The Junior Deacon returns to his place and the Worshipful Master turns back to the Candidate)

W. M. – This W. is derived from the l.h.p. at the py. Or e. of K. S. T., so named after…, the G.

G. of D., a P. and R. in I.; the import of the W. is in…

W.M. – Pass,…

J.D. (takes Cand. by the r.h. an conducts him to the J. W., carefully ‘squaring’ the Lodge. J. D. takes Sp., shows E. A. Sn., and says:) Bro. A. B. on his initiation (Dis. Sn.).

J. W. – I will thank Bro. A. B. to advance to me as an E. A. F. M.

(The J. D. instructs Cand. how to advance with the Sp. and Sn.)

J. W. – Have you anything to communicate?

CAND. (prompted by J.D.). – I have.

(The J. W. rises and Cand. gives G… J. W. adjusts it.)

J. W. – What is this?

CAND. (prompted by J. D.). – The G. or T. of an E. A. F. M.

J.W. – (retaining hold odf Cand’s h.). – Give me hat W.

CAND. (prompted by J. D.). – At my initiation I was taught to be cautious; but with you Bro. J. W. I will l. or h. it.

J. W. – Which you please , and you begin. (The examination is gone through. At this stage the W. is lettered).

J. W. – Pass,…

J. D. (takes Cand. by the r. h. and conducts him to the S. W., shows E.A. Sn., and says:) Bro. S. W., I present to you Bro. A. B., on his initiation (Dis. Sn.).

S. W. – I will thank Bro. A. B. to advance to me as a Mason. (J. D. instructs Cand. to take Sp. only; no Sn.)

S. W. (to Cand.) – What is that?

CAND. (prompted by J. D.). – The first R. Sp. in Freemasonry.

S. W. – Do you bring anything else?

CAND. (prompted by J. D.). – The Py. Of my O. wherein I swore as a man of honour, and an E. A. F. M., I would rather, have m. t. c. a., m.t.t.o.b.t.r. (Cand. gives the P. Sn.). than imp… di…the Ss. entrusted to me.

S. W. – Have you anything to communicate?

CAND. (prompted by J. D.). – I have.

(The S. W. rises, and Cand gives G… S. W. adjusts it.)

S. W. – What is this?

CAND. (prompted by J. D.). – The G. or T. of an E. A. F. M.

S. W. (retaining hold of Cand’s h.) – What does this G. demand?

CAND. (prompted by J. D.). – At my initiation I was taught to e cautious; but with you Bro. S. W. I will l. or h. it.

S. W. (retaining hold of Cand’s h.). – Which you please and you begin. (The examination is gone through. At this stage the W. is halved).

S. W. – Whence is this W. derived?

CAND. (prompted by J. D.). – From the l. h. p. at he py. Or e. of K. S. T., so names after…, the G. G. of the D., a P. and R. in I.

S. W. – The important of the W.?

(The J. D. conducts Cand. to l. of the S. W., who remains standing and takes Cand’s. r. h. in his own l. h. J. D. turns Cand. to face E.)

S. W. (takes Sp., shows E. A. Sn., and saysJ

W. M. – Bro. S. W., I delegate you to invest him with the distinguishing badge of a Mason.

S. W. (dis. Sn. And sits. J. D. conducts Cand. to N. W. and faces him to South. S. W. leaves his ped., puts badge on CAnd.) Bro. A. B. in the name of the G. A. of the U. and by the W. Master’s command I invest you with the distinguishing badge of a mason. It is more ancient than the Golden Fleece or Roman Eagle, more honourable than the Garter, or any other Order in existence, being the badge of innocence, and the bond of friendship. I strongly exhort you ever to wear and consider it as such; and further inform you that if you never disgrace that badge (S. W. strikes Cand’s badge with his r. h., and all the Brn. clap their hands at his point) it will never disgrace you. (S. W. salutes the Cand. to face the W. M. who delivers to him the following;)

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