Tuesday 23 February 2010

First Degree


The Brethren being assembled, the Opening Ode is sung. The Worshipful Master then gives a single Knock which is answered by the Senior and Junior Wardens.

Worshipful Master - Brethren, assist me to open the lodge.

Worshipful Master (to Junior Warden, calling him by name)

-Brother. …, what is the first care of every Mason?

Junior Warden – To see that the Lodge is properly Tyled.

Worshipful Master (to Junior Warden). – Direct that duty to be done.

Junior Warden ( to Inner Guard by name.. – Brother. …, see that the Lodge is properly Tiled.

(Inner Guard goes to door and gives Entered Apprentice Knocks Being answered by the Tyler, he goes to position at left of the Senior Warden, and, with no Step or Sign., says to Junior Warden, by name) Brother…, the Lodge is properly Tiled.

Junior Warden (gives one Knock. no Step, no Sign And says to Worshipful Master, no name). – The Lodge is properly Tiled.

Worshipful Master (to Senior Warden, by name). – Brother. …, the next care?

Senior Warden - To see that none but Masons are present.

Worshipful Master – to order, Brethren as Masons in the First Degree.

(Worshipful Master and Brethren take Step and stand to order as Entered Apprentices.)

Worshipful Master – Brother Junior Warden, how many principal officers are there in the Lodge?

Junior Warden – Three: the Worshipful Master, and the the Senior and Junior Wardens.

Worshipful Master – Brother Senior Warden, how many assistant officers are there?

Senior Warden – Three, besides the Tyler or Outer Guard.: namely the Senior and Junior Deacons and the Inner Guard.

Worshipful Master (to Junior Warden.) . – The situation of the Tyler.?

Junior Warden - Outside the door of the Lodge.

Worshipful Master (to Junior Warden. – His Duty

Junior Warden – Being armed with a drawn sword, to keep off all intruders and Cowans to Masonry and to see that the Candidates. are properly prepared.

Worshipful Master (to Senior Warden). – The situation of the Inner Guard?

Senior Warden. – Within the entrance of the Lodge.

Worshipful Master ( to Senior Warden). – His duty?

Senior Warden – To admit Masons on proof, receive the Candidates in due form, and obey the commands of the Junior Warden.

Worshipful Master (to Junior Warden). – The situation of the Junior Deacon?

Junior Warden – At the right of the Senior Warden.

Worshipful Master - (to Junior Warden).- His duty?

Junior Warden – To carry all messages and communications of the Worshipful Master from the Senior to the Junior

Warden, and to see that the same are punctually obeyed.

Worshipful Master (to Senior Warden). – The situation of the Senior Deacon?

Senior Warden – At or near to the right of the Worshipful Master.

Worshipful Master (to Senior Warden). – His duty?

Senior Warden – to bear all messages and commands from the Worshipful Master to the Senior Warden, and await the return of the Junior Deacon.

Worshipful Master – Brother Junior Warden, your place in the Lodge?

Junior Warden – In the South.

Worshipful Master (to Junior Warden) – Why are you placed there?

Junior Warden – To mark the sun at its Meridian, to call the Brethren from labour to refreshment, and from refreshment to labour, that profit and pleasure may be the result.

Worshipful Master – Brother Senior Warden, your place in the Lodge?

Senior Warden – In the West.

Worshipful Master (to Senior Warden). – Why are you placed there?

Senior Warden – To mark the setting Sun; to close the Lodge by command of the Worshipful Master., after having seen that every Brother has had his due.

Worshipful Master (to Immediate Past Master.). – Worshipful Brother, Immediate Past Master, the master’s place?

Immediate Past Master – In the East.

Worshipful Master (to Immediate Past Master). – Why is he placed there?

Immediate Past Master – As the sun rises in the East to open and enliven the day, so the Worshipful Master is placed in the East to open the Lodge, and employ and instruct the Brethren in Freemasonry.

Worshipful Master. – The Lodge being duly formed, before I declare it open, let us invoke the assistance of the Great Architect of the Universe in all our undertakings; may our labours , thus begun in order, be conducted in peace, and closed in harmony.

Immediate Past Master – So mote it be.

Worshipful Master – Brethren, in the name of the Great Architect of the Universe, I declare the Lodge duly open (all discharge Sign.) for the purpose of Freemasonry in the First Degree,

( The Worshipful Master gives Entered Apprentice Knocks, which are repeated by the Senior Warden, who raises his Column, and by the Junior Warden, who lowers his Column. Inner Guard goes to the door and gives Entered Apprentice Knocks, being answered by Tyler. The Senior Deacon attends to the Tracing Board when the Tyler has given Entered Apprentice Knocks. Immediate Past Master opens Volume Sacred Law., and arranges the Square and Compasses Thereon with both Points Of the Compasses. Under the Square. It does not matter at which particular Book or Chapter the Volume Sacred Law is opened; the First Great Light in Masonry is the entire Volume.)

Worshipful Master Brethren be seated.



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